Sound Living Counseling
Check out what April Taylor and Jay Armstrong are up to at Sound Living Counseling in Chattanooga! #Chattanooga #Taylor #Armstrong...
Check out what April Taylor and Jay Armstrong are up to at Sound Living Counseling in Chattanooga! #Chattanooga #Taylor #Armstrong...
"Shame cannot survive being spoken. It cannot survive empathy." - Brené Brown #Brown #shame #tedTalk #english #ingles
"Tell your children 'you are precious, you are valuable, and nobody else is created like you.'" -- Dr. Karyn Purvis #Purvis #parenting...
"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness." -...
Para vídeos en español, busca "español" en buscador abajo. For videos in English, enter "english" in the search below.
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness (o español: NAMI: la Alianza Nacional de Enfermedades Mentales)
Healing Families Series - TCU - Child Development (el último vídeo está en español)
Christian Counseling of Dalton